In the bustling Klaytn ecosystem, a myriad of services operate their offerings based on unique policies. Most investors diversify their investments across various DeFi products, yet the absence of a mainstream platform for monitoring their personal portfolio in one glance has been a notable inconvenience. Swapscanner, the one-stop DeFi platform in the Klaytn ecosystem, addresses this challenge by providing an intuitive and convenient portfolio feature. It allows users to view products, debts, and assets across the protocols they are invested in, all in one place. Moreover, Swapscanner equips users with a distinctive capability to monitor swap transactions in other wallets in real-time, offering insights that can influence token value and inform investment strategies.
Asset Lookup by Token/Protocol: Users often invest in products across multiple protocols using the same token. Swapscanner offers an easy and convenient way to look up assets by token or protocol, simplifying asset management.
Out of Range Warning for Concentrated Liquidity Pools: Investors in concentrated liquidity pools like Pangea Swap and Klayswap need to constantly monitor whether their investments stay within their price range. Swapscanner alleviates this burden by providing out-of-range warning alerts, ensuring investors are promptly notified if their investment price range is breached.
Accurate Asset Management with Precise Pricing: The significance of delivering accurate prices, even when utilizing the same on-chain data, cannot be understated. Swapscanner integrates with all DEXes to provide the ecosystem's most accurate token pricing, setting the standard for asset management services.
Wallet Search Functionality: By searching other wallet addresses, users can easily view the portfolios of others within the Klaytn ecosystem. This feature allows users to act as monitors of the ecosystem, using this information as a valuable resource for their investment strategies.
Large Swap Tracker: Swapscanner allows users to view swap events in the Klaytn ecosystem involving assets over 5,000 USD directly from the portfolio page. This immediate insight into significant swap events can influence token value and aid in strategy formulation. Based on Swapscanner team's extensive monitoring experience, this feature is designed to provide practical assistance to Klaytn DeFi investors. Additionally, real-time alerts for large transactions are available in the Swapscanner Telegram official community.
Features Related to Viewing Large Transactions:
View Large Trades
View Significant Losses: Showcases transactions where users could have saved costs if conducted through Swapscanner, highlighting potential losses.
Filter Options: All transactions, My transactions, By token
Sorting Options: Recent transactions, Large transactions, Significant losses
Wallet Search Functionality
Detailed View of Assets by Protocol: Users can toggle to see detailed information on how much they have invested in specific products offered by a protocol.
Supported Protocols: Swapscanner supports the widest range of protocols in Klaytn's asset management services, including Swapscanner, Klayswap,KokonutSwap, BluewhaleProtocol, ClaimSwap, DeFiKingdom, KlayFi, KlayBank, Klaymore, KlayStation, Kleva, KokoaFinance, Neopin, Pala, PangeaSwap, Sigma, Stakely, SuperWalk, and more.
The concept of assets includes both debts and net assets.
Only pools with a TVL of over 100USD are displayed.
Only transactions over 5,000USD are displayed in the recent large transaction history.
Total Asset Value Lookup
Asset Lookup by Token
Asset Lookup by Protocol
Other Wallet Search
Favorite Other Wallets
Recommend Other Wallets
View Large Transaction History
Last updated